16 Station Medical Device Assembly Machine
1. Manually load Cable/Sensor assembly to dial nest; verify correct style and proper seating
2. Pad print customer logo onto cable (1" - 3" long)
3. Spot cure ink
4. Dispense UV ...adhesive (two types) around the Sensor snout and across the cable where it enters the Top Housing
5. Bowl feed, orient, and place Top Housing to correct position and location on sensor
6. UV cure adhesive for Top Housing and Sensor bonding areas
7. Bowl feed, orient, and place Bottom Housing to correct position on indexing-dial fixture
8. Dispense UV adhesive around bond area of Bottom Housing
9. Pick Top Housing from dial fixture, place onto Bottom Housing with correct orientation and location
10. UV cure adhesive for Top Housing and Bottom Housing bonded area
11. Place assembly into vertical orientation
12. Dispense UV adhesive into cable-entrance area
13. UV cure adhesive at cable-entrance area
14. Perform leak test
15. Bowl feed and attach Swivel Nut to Top Housing (per applicable product configuration)
16. Unload accepted assemblies
17. Unload rejected parts/incomplete assemblies[+] Show More
16 Station Medical Device Assembly Machine
1. Manually load Cable/Sensor assembly to dial nest; verify correct ...
1. Manually load Cable/Sensor assembly to dial nest; verify correct style and proper seating
2. Pad print customer logo onto cable (1" - 3" long)
3. Spot cure ink
4. Dispense UV ...adhesive (two types) around the Sensor snout and across the cable where it enters the Top Housing
5. Bowl feed, orient, and place Top Housing to correct position and location on sensor
6. UV cure adhesive for Top Housing and Sensor bonding areas
7. Bowl feed, orient, and place Bottom Housing to correct position on indexing-dial fixture
8. Dispense UV adhesive around bond area of Bottom Housing
9. Pick Top Housing from dial fixture, place onto Bottom Housing with correct orientation and location
10. UV cure adhesive for Top Housing and Bottom Housing bonded area
11. Place assembly into vertical orientation
12. Dispense UV adhesive into cable-entrance area
13. UV cure adhesive at cable-entrance area
14. Perform leak test
15. Bowl feed and attach Swivel Nut to Top Housing (per applicable product configuration)
16. Unload accepted assemblies
17. Unload rejected parts/incomplete assemblies[+] Show More
30up Tube Pressure Tester
Automated tube pressure tester utilizing 30 pressure testers at one ...
Automated tube pressure tester utilizing 30 pressure testers at one time to optimize customer throughput.
Remote Control Testing Machine
Automation GT - Introduction Short
Automation GT - Introduction
Introduction to Automation GT team and capabilities
Introduction to Automation GT team and capabilities